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Burials in Pisgah Cemetery: 1821 to 1998
An inventory of the available information on burials
in Pisgah Cemetery located in
Kennamer Cove, Marshall County, Alabama.



Prepared for the
Kennamer Family Association, Inc.
Woodville, Alabama, 35776

Delivered on
August 7, 1999



Prepared by:
The Pisgah Cemetery Committee
Lewis Wendell Page, Sr., Historian and Compiler
Cheryl Kennamer, (Mrs. Steve), Vice President
Denton "Johnny" Kennamer
Steve Kennamer

Statistics on Burials in Pisgah Cemetery
Identifiable Burials Existing Monuments Field Stones (LWP) Field Stones (Unknown)
Adults 134 38 121
Children 22 10 13
Infants 19 17 59
Totals 175 65 193

How to interpret the legend for each burial


Source of Information


Burial site indicated by a monument existing in 1998.


Burial site indicated by fieldstones existing in 1998. The burial is based on information published by our historians and other sources.


THE KENNAMER FAMILY. John R. and L.G. Kennamer.




THE KENNEMER BOOK. Nelda and Woody Kelley.

1961 Inv

An inventory published by the Marshall County Historical Society in 1961. Copy on file with Lewis Wendell Page, Sr.



Pisgah Cemetery Inventory

Bishop, Harriet Kennamer: b. 9/26/1822; d. c. 1871-1872.

Md. 3/6/1871; Sampson Bishop. 2nd Wife

LWP. Row 19, Lot 11. JRK 292, WCK 49.


Bishop, Mary E.: b. 2/21/1872; d. 7/16/1873.

            Dau. John Franklin and Clara A. Kennamer Bishop.

            M. Row 19, Lot 7. JRK 141.


Bishop, Mary Kennamer: b. 6/25/1826; d c. 1864-1865.

            Md. 2/28/1848, Sampson Bishop. 1st Wife.

            LWP. Row 19, Lot 10. WCK49.


Bishop, Seaborn W.: b. c. 1850; d. 10/12/1863.

            Son. Sampson and Mary Kennamer Bishop

            LWP. Row 19, Lot 12. JRK293.


Bishop, William Pleasant: b. 9/29/1879; d. 1/23/1880.

            Son. John Franklin and Clara A. Kennamer Bishop.

            M. Row 19. Lot 9. JRK 142.


Bishop, Unnamed Infant: b. 11/28/1868; d. 11/28/1868.

            Dau. John Franklin and Clara A. Kennamer Bishop.

            M. Row 19, Lot 8. 1961 Inventory.


Chandler, Rebecca Kennamer: b. 1822; d. c. 1851.

            Md. 8/9/1850, Elias Chandler.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 16. JRK 75.


Cooley, Deana Faye Nunley: b. 11/28/1962; d. 1/22/1996.

            Sister. Cheryl Kennamer (Mrs. Steve).

            M. Row 26, Lots 20, 21, and 22.


Elkins, A.L.: b. 9/10/1812; d. 1865.

            Data from 1961 Inventory.

            Burial Site Unknown, Stone Missing.


Elkins, Elizabeth Kennamer: b. 2/16/1826; d 8/31/1895.

            Md. 8/27/1857, Nacy Kimbrough Elkins.

            LWP. Row 35, Lot 5. JRK88.


Elkins, Emmer Frances Kennamer: b. 10/1/1878; d. 8/25/1951.

            Md. 9/8/1897, William Abram Elkins.

            M. Row 2, Lot 16. JRK. 139.


Elkins, Herbert Bryant: b. 10/23/1896; d. 3/12/1979.

            Md. Mrs. Effie Gayle Kennamer.

            M. Row 2, Lot 18. JRK 111, Kelley 131.


Elkins, James R.: b. 11/16/1829; d. 2/7/1902.

            Md. Matilda Butler.

            M. Row 38, Lot 7. JRK 309.


Elkins, Louisa Susan Kennamer: b. 2/19/1864; d 3/7/1895.

            Md. 12/21/82, James Daniel Elkins.

            M. Row 37, Lot 5. JRK 143.


Elkins, Matilda Butler: b. 6/29/1834; d. 7/26/1923.

            Md. James R. Elkins.

            M. Row 38, Lot 6. JRK 143.


Elkins, Nacy Kimbrough: b. 8/5/1827; d. c. 1897.

            Md. 8/27/1857, Elizabeth Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 35, Lot 6. JRK 88.


Elkins, Nancy Susan: b. 12/3/1858; d. 1/15/1859.

            Dau. Nacy K. Elkins and Elizabeth Kennamer Elkins.

            LWP. Row 35, Lot 9. 1961 Inventory, JRK 88.


Elkins, Samuel Eli: b. 3/30/1860; d. 5/14/1860.

            Son. Nacy K. Elkins and Elizabeth Kennamer Elkins.

            LWP. Row 35, Lot 7. 1961 Inventory, JRK 88.


Elkins, William Abram: b. 7/14/1872; d. 8/14/1926.

            Md. 9/8/1895, Emmer Frances Kennamer.

            M. Row 2, Lot 17. JRK 139.


Elkins, Unnamed Infant: b. d. 12/25/1888.

            Child of James D. Elkins and Louise Kennamer Elkins.

            LWP. Row 37, Lot 7. JRK 316.


Farmer, James Ballard: b. 4/4/1876; d 6/16/1936.

            Md. Salina Frances Kennamer.

            M. Row 30, Lot 2. JRK 263, WCK 115.


Farmer, P.K.: b. ?; d. ?

            1861 Inventory, No other data.

            LWP. Row 30, Lot 4.


Fanner, Salina F. Kennamer: b. 2/9/1868; d. 10/30/1896.

            Md. James Ballard Farmer.

            LWP. Row 30, Lot 1. JRK 258.


Farmer, Stephen Delbert: b. 6/22/1895; d. 8/13/1901.

            Son. James Ballard and Salina Kennamer Farmer.

            LWP. Row 30, Lot 3. WCK 115, Kelley 258.


Fletcher, Eliza "Sis" Kennamer: b. c. 1832; d. aft. 1860.

            Md. 1/8/1860, James Benton Fletcher.

            LWP. Row 17, Lot 19, JRK 64, WCK 29, Kelley 109.


Fletcher, James Benton: b. c. 1832; d aft. 1860

            Md 1/8/1860, Eliza "Sis" Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 17, Lot 20. JRK 64, WCK 29, Kelley 109.


Fletcher, Tennessee: No Data.

            Dau. James Benton and Eliza Kennamer Fletcher.

            LWP. Row 17, Lot 21. JRK 64, WCK 29, Kelley 109.


Freeman, Charles F.: b. c. 1845; d. aft. 1850.

            Son. John W. and Joanah Kennamer Freeman.

            LWP. Row 5, Lot 7. Marshall Co. 1850 Census, #115.


Freeman, Joanah Kennamer: b. 2/5/1825; d. bfe. 1850.

            Dau. Stephen Kennamer and Rebecca Boshart Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 5, Lot 6. WCK 40, Kelley 177.


Freeman, John W.: b. ?; d. bfe. 1850.

            Md. 11/11/1843, Joanah Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 5, Lot 5. WCK 40, Kelley 177.


Freeman, Julia E.: b. 1847; d. aft. 1850.

            Dau. John W. and Joanah Kennamer Freeman.

            LWP. Row 5, Lot 8. Marshall Co. 1850 Census #115.


Gurley, Helen L. Eskata: b. 5/3/1913; d 2/6/1989.

            Wife. Jacob B. Gurley.

            M. Row 6, Lot 7


Gurley, Jacob B.: b. 1/1/1923; d. 5/4/1996.

            Husband. Helen E. Gurley.

            M. Row 6, Lot 8.


Hill, David B.: b. 1825; d. c. 1855.

            Md. 8/24/1854, Lucinda Pendergrass.

            LWP. Row 8, Lot 6. JRK. 100.


Hill, Ely: b. ?; d. 10/31/30.

            Relationship to Hill Family Unknown.

            M. 1961 Inventory, Monument Missing.


Hill, George: b. c. 1818; d. c. 1835.

            Son. John Asap and Polly Killingsworth Hill.

            LWP. Row 8, Lot 8. JRK. 100.


Hill, John: b. c. 1770-1780; d. 1834.

            Md. c. 1808, Susan(nah) Kennamer.

            M. Row 8, Lot 10. WCK. 12, Kelley 179.


Hill, John Asap: b. 1815; d. 1888.

            Son. John and Susannah Kennamer Hill.

            M. Row 8, Lot 13. IRK.. 99, Kelley 179.


Hill, John Henry: b. 7/27/1890; d. 8/3/1897.

            Son. Sampson Asap and Sarah Ann Thomas Hill.

            M. Row 7, Lot 27. JRK. 99,Kelley 179.


Hill, Luey: b. c. 1853-54; d. c. 1889. Age 35.

            Dau. John Asap and Mary Killingsworth Hill.

            LWP. Row 8, Lot 15. JRK. 99.


Hill, Mary Killingsworth: b. ?; d. 1902.

            Md. 2/18/1844, John Asap Hill.

            LWP. Row 8, Lot 12. JRK. 98.


Hill, Sampson Asap: b. 12/19/1856; d. 12/16/1899.

            Md 8/5/1885, Sarah Ann Thomas.

            M. Row 7, Lot 24. Kelley 179.


Hill, Sarah Ann Thomas: b. 12/11/1850; d. ?

            Md. 8/5/1885, Sampson Asap Hill.

            M. Row 7, Lot 25. Kelley 179.


Hill, Susan(nah) Kennamer: b. c. 1787; d. aft. 1860.

            Md. c. 1806, John Hill.

            M. Row 8, Lot 10. Next to John Hill. IRK. 91.


Hill. Willie Ann: b. ? d. ? .

            Dau. Sampson Asap and Sarah Thomas Hill.

            M. Row 7. Lot 26. Kelley 179.


Hollis. Dozier D.: b. 12/3/1889; d. 5/26/1963.

            Md. Edith Myrtle Boshart.

            M. Row 6. Lot 2. Marie Patterson Vernon.


Hollis. Edith Boshart: b. 9/2/1902; d. 11/16/1928.

            Dau. James Milton and Nellie Jane Moon Boshart.

            M. Row 6, Lot 1. Marie Patterson Vernon.


Hollis. Sanford Houston: b. 12/6/1925; d 9/21/1983.

            Son. Dozier and Edith Boshart Hollis.

            M. Row 6. Lot 4.


Hollis, Unnamed Infant: b. ? d. ?

            Grandchild. Dozier and Edith Hollis.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 3. NitaVernonPage.


Keel, William Posey: b. 8/10/1895; d. 12/6/1973.

            Md. Dollie Claxton.

            LWP. Row 22. Lot 5. Clara Mae Rice.


Kennamer, Abrom B.: b. 1818; d. 4/14/1879.

            Md. 1842. Elizabeth J. Hodges.

            LWP. Row 10, Lot 3. JRK. 75, WCK. 39.


Kennamer, Albert Clopton: b. 4/13/1854; d 7/7/1900.

            Md. 11/19/1894, Lousan Anderton.

            M. Row 4. Lot 16. JRK. 106.


Kennamer, Allie Parkins: b. 1819; d. 1836.

            M. 1st Allie Perkins, 2nd 2/28/1838, Minerva Law.

            LWP. Row 17. Lot 18. JRK. 64.


Kennamer, Arthur G.: b. 10/16/1930; d. 6/18/1951.

            Son. Frank Ballard and Bessie Vemon Kennamer

            M. Row 1, Lot 16. WCK. 236.


Kennamer, Asap: b. 6/16/1811; d. 11/25/1895.

            Md. c. 1830, Nancy N. Wright.

            LWP. Row 4, Lot 17. JRK. 106, WCK. 30, Kelley 128.


Kennamer, Carrie May: b. 10/28/1892; d. 3/26/1906.

            Dau. Jacob L. and Sallie West Kennamer.

            M. Row 39, Lot 7. IRK. 331.


Kennamer, Charlotte F.: b. c. 1870; d, ?

            Dau. Abram B. and Amy Perkins Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 20, Lot 6. IRK. 77, Kelley 124.


Kennamer, Clara Eva: b. 3/31/1872; d. 1/15/1948.

            Dau. Robert Stephen and Eliza Parkhill Kennamer.

            M. Row 3, Lot 8. IRK. 134, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Clayton Everette: b. 3/6/1923; d 9/18/1923.

            Son. Granville Denton and Nora Butler Kennamer.

            M. Row 38, Lot 10. IRK. 332.


Kennamer, Cora Ann Wright: b. 9/19/1877; d. 9/6/1947.

            Md. C. 1899, Joe Sap Kennamer.

            M. Row 4, Lot 9. IRK. 135.


Kennamer, Cora Lou: b. 1926; d. 1932.

            Dau. Joe Sap and Cora Ann Wright Kennamer.

            M. Row 3, Lot 7. Kelley 155.


Kennamer, Damaris: b. 4/27/1824; d. 1871-72.

            Dau. Jacob and Ke:zziah Busby Kennamer.

            M. Row 17, Lot 6. IRK. 289, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Damaris Kezziah: b. 7/25/1883; d. 4/18/1891.

            Dau. John B. and Sarah B. Smelser Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 18, Lot 15. IRK. 295, WCK. 48.


Kennamer, David: b. 1824; d. 1836.

            Son. Samuel and Susannah Boshart Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 14. IRK. 75, WCK. 9.


Kennamer, David: b. 6/8/1828; d. 8/31/1892.

            Son. Jacob and Kezziah Busby Kennamer. '

            M. Row 32, Lot 10. IRK. 297.


Kennamer, David (Sr.): b. 9/10/1814; d. 1/5/1883.

            Son. Stephen and Rebecca Boshart Kennamer.

            M. Row 30, Lot 21. IRK. 129, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Dessa Pearl: b. 8/3/1899; d. 12/16/1965.

            Dau. James Dee and Martha Elkins Kennamer.

            M. Row 3, Lot 19. JRK. 139, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Dortha N.: b. 7/1/1938; d. 8/11/1941.

            Dau. Frank B. and Bessie Vernon Kennamer.

            M. Row 1, Lot 18. WCK. 236.


Kennamer, Elizabeth A.: b. 12/14/1841; d. 6/3/1874.

            Dau. Jacob and Kezziah Busby Kennamer.

            M. Row 19, Lot 5. JRK. 289, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Elizabeth Hodges: b. 1823; d. 10/1857. 1.

            Md. 1842, Abram B. Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 20, Lot 4. JRK. 75, Talmage Kennamer.


Kennamer, Eliza: b. c. 1816; d. 2/7/1898. Dau.

            Samuel and Susannah Busby Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 7, Lot 6. JRK. 75, WCK. 29.


Kennamer, Eliza Catherine Parkhill: b. 6/26/1840; d. 9/4/1904.

            Md. 3/8/1860, Robert Stephen Kennamer.

            M. Row 3, Lot 12. JRK. 130, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Eliza E.: b. 1836; d. 1860.

            Dau. Zacheas C. and Allie Perkins Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 17, Lot 19. JRK. 65, WCK. 29.


Kennamer, Eliza Jane Evans: b. 2/18/1825; d. 12/15/1915.

            Md. 2/14/1858, Stephen Douglass Kennamer.

            M. Row 31, Lot 2. JRK. 258.


Kennamer, Eliza Lucinda: b. 1/24/1881; d. 3/14/1938.

            Dau. Isham Asap and Margaret A. Elkins Kennamer.

            M. Row 43, Lot 7. JRK. 143. WCK. 169.


Kennamer, Eliza Rebecca Derrick: b. 1849; d. 1903.

            Md. 11/7/1867, John S. Kennamer.

            M. Row 7, Lot 12. JRK. 111,1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Elizabeth Chandler: b. 10/15/1817; d. 4/26/1902.

            Md. 10/3/1839, David Kennamer (Sr.)

            M. Row 30, Lot 20. JRK. 129, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Ethel Taylor: b. 7/15/1884; d. 9/19/1954.

            Md. 6/28/1914, Patrick Henry Kennamer.

            M. Row 2, Lot 11. JRK. 132, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Ethel Pearl: b. 10/29/1890; d. 2/21/1914.

            Dau. Isham Asap and Margaret A. Elkins Kennamer.

            M. Row 43, Lot 8. JRK. 144, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Everette Clayton: b. 3/6/1922; d. 9/14/1923.

            Son. Granvill Denton and Nora Butler Kennamer.

            M. Row 38, Lot 10. WCK. 157,1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Florence L. McDonald: b. 5/10/1869; d. 11/25/1911.

            Md. 11/1/1888, Wiley Frank Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 3, Lot 14. JRK. 131.


Kennamer, Flavil Milford: b. 11/22/1917; d. 11/22/1989.

            Son. Granville Denton and Nora Butler Kennamer.

            M. Row 37, Lot 13. Kelley 99.


Kennamer, George Thomas: b. 11/23/1884; d. 7/1/1918.

            Md. 1/23/1868, Kittie R. Page. Md. 2nd 6/17/1894, Nancy Elkins.

            M. Row 29, Lot 18. JRK. 138,1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Glendon Brooks: b. 9/2/1911; d 9/25/1997.

            Md. Flora Mae Limley.

            M. Row 43, Lot 11. WCK. 282.


Kennamer, Grady Brooks: b. 4/4/1908; d. 7/9/1909.

            Son. Abrom Albert and Maggie Lee Walls.

            M. Row 6, Lot 24. JRK. 112, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Granville Denton: b. 2/17/1887; d. 2/16/1981.

            Md. 9/17/1911, Nora Mae Butler.

            M. Row 37, Lot 9. JRK. 332.


Kennamer, Hans: b. 1824; d. aft. 1850.

            Son. Levi and Nancy Agnus Busby.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 17. JRK. 218,1850 Census.


Kennamer, Hans: b. c. 1738; d. 1837.

            Md. c. 1770, Rachel Riley.

            M. Row 16, Lot 12. JRK. 14, Kelley 29.


Kennamer. Harvey Bridges: b. 3/4/1878; d. 6/4/1952.

            Son. Robert Stephen and Eliza C. Parkhill Kennamer.

            M. Row 2. Lot 9. JRK. 131. Kelley 155.


Kennamer. Helen J.: b. 8/26/1883; d. 3/27/1972.

            Dau. John S. and Eliza Derrick Kennamer.

            M. Row 7. Lot 23. JRK. 112.


Kennamer. Herbert E.: b. 9/12/1889; d. 2/6/1891.

            Son. David Gilbreath and Delura Woodall Kennamer.

            M. Row 30, Lot 18. JRK. 146. 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Homer Alvin: b. 9/11/1889; d, 4/30/1899.

            Son. Wiley Frank and Florence McDonald Kennamer.

            M. Row 3, Lot 11. JRK. 132, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Isham Asaph: b. 7/13/1850; d. 7/7/1915.

            Md. 11/20/1877. Margaret Angeline Elkins.

            M. Row 43, Lot 10. JRK. 143.


Kennamer, Jacob: b. 10/5/1798; d. 4/6/1863.

            Md. 1819, Kezziah Busby.

            M. Row 18, Lot 6. JRK. 287, WCK. 17, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Jacob L.: b. 12/25/1836; d. 10/1/1921.

            Md. 12/23/1880, Sallie West Mitchell.

            M. Row 39. Lot 6. WCK. 59, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, James David: b. 3/18/1883; d. 10/14/1940.

            Md. 11/6/1910. Ora Ethel Butler.

            M. Row 40, Lot 6. JRK. 143.


Kennamer. James Dea: b. 9/17/1873; d. 8/13/1946.

            Md. 10/6/1898, Martha Ann Elkins.

            M. Row 3, Lot 16. JRK. 139.


Kennamer, Jane Busby: b. 3/22/1806; d. between 1860-1870.

            Md. 4/20/1823, 2nd wife of Stephen Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 6. Lot 11. JRK. 103,WCK. 128.


Kennamer, Joe Sap: b. 10/23/1874; d. 9/26/1952.

            Md. c. 1899. Cora Ann Wright.

            M. Row 4, Lot 10. JRK. 135.


Kennamer, John B.: b. 4/1/1821; d. 9/24/1901.

            Md. 1857, Mahalia Kirkpatrick, 2nd 1870, Sarah B. Smelser.

            M. Row 18, Lot 16. JRK. 290.


Kennamer, John S.: b. 10/27/1847; d. 12/11/1932.

            Md. 11/7/1867, Eliza Rebecca Derrick.

            M. Row 7, Lot 21. JRK. Ill.


Kennamer, Jonathan Malon: b. 12/28/1872; d. 7/28/1876.

            Son. Stephen Douglass and Eliza Evans Kennamer.

            LWP. Row31, Lot 3. JRK. 258.


Kennamer, Kittie Lewis Hodges: b. 11/22/1834; d. 7/15/1905.

            Md. 11/20/1851, David Kennamer.

            M. Row 32, Lot 10. JRK. 297.


Kennamer, Kittie Rebecca Page: b. 9/17/1851; d. 3/8/1893.

            Md. 6/17/1894, George Thomas Kennamer.

            M. Row 29, Lot 20. JRK. 138.


Kennamer, Kezziah Caroline: b. 11/6/1843; d 5/25/1885.

            Dau. Jacob and Kezziah Busby Kennamer.

            M. Row 17, Lot 7. JRK. 289, WCK. 17.


Kennamer, Kezziah Busby: b. 2/1803; d 5/5/1875.

            Md. 1819, Jacob Kennamer.

            M. Row 19, Lot 6. JRK. 287, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Leavy Jimmie Fairbanks: b. 11/18/1919; d. 5/30/1993.

            Md. 11/16/1940, William Wayne Kennamer.

            M. Row 40, Lot 9. Kelley 160.


Kennamer, Levi: b. 1798; d 4/13/1848.

            Md. 4/13/1819, Nancy Agnes Busby.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 14. JRK. 217, WCK. 14.


Kennamer, Levi Steven: b. 3/23/1912; d. 5/22/1912.

            Son. Franklin Brownlow and Sarah E. Farmer Kennamer.

            M. Row 16, Lot 16. JRK. 251.


Kennamer, Lillian S.: b. 3/24/1891; d. 8/15/1892.

            Dau. George Thomas and Kittie Page Kennamer.

            M. Row 29, Lot 21. 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Lota Larimore: b. 5/11/1885; d. 8/11/1906.

            Son. Jacol L. and Sallie Mitchell Kennamer.

            M. Row 39, Lot 8. WCK. 59,JRK. 331.


Kennamer, Louisa: b. 1/9/1838; d. 12/25/1863.

            Dau. Jacob and Kezziah Busby Kennamer.

            M. Row 18, Lot 7. JRK. 289.


Kennamer, Lousan Anderton: b. 11/18/1854; d. ?

            Md. 1/19/1894. Albert Clopton Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 4, Lot 15. Kelley 133, Family Records.


Kennamer, Mabel Kathleen: b. 7/6/1910; d. 8/25/1918.

            Dau. Joe Sap and Cora Ann Wright Kennamer.

            M. Row 4, Lot 11. JRK. 135,1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Mahalia Kirkpatrick: b. c. 1826; d. 5/6/1863.

            Md. 1857, JohnB. Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 18, Lot 14. JRK. 290.


Kennamer, Margaret Angeline Elkins: b. 1/25/1854; d. 4/1/1937.

            Md. 11/20/1872, Isham Asaph Kennamer.

            M. Row 43, Lot 9. JRK. 143, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Margaret B. Farmer: b. 9/9/1835; d. 3/7/1904.

            Md. 4/5/1878, Stephen Douglass Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 31, Lot 6. JRK. 257.


Kennamer, Martha Ann Elkins: b. 6/28/1874; d. 4/12/1961.

            Md. 6/17/1894, James Dea Kennamer.

            M. Row 3, Lot 15. JRK. 139, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Mary: b. 8/27/1853; d. 7/31/1854.

            Dau. Robert R. and Prudence Jones Page Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 13. JRK. 149.


Kennamer, Mary: b. 1780; d. 1858.

            Dau. Hans and Rachel Kennamer.

            M. Row 18, Lot 9. JRK. 91.


Kennamer, Maxie: b. 1/27/1835; d. 1/27/1835.

            Dau. Frank Ballard and Bessie Vernon Kennamer.

            M. Row I, Lot 17. WCK. 236.


Kennamer, Melvin Jacobs: b. 7/18/1924; d, 2/25/1945.

            Son. Granville Denton and Nora Butler Kennamer.

            M. Row 38, Lot 11. WCK 157.


Kennamer, Millard Drake Jones: b. 9/22/1864; d. 7/22/1891.

            Md. 12/2/1890. Nelson Lafayette Kennamer.

            M. Row 26, Lot 17. JRK. 304.


Kennamer, Missouri Francis: b. 9/9/1856; d. 10/4/1862.

            Dau. Levi "Bye" and Sarah A. Clack Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 22. JRK. 247.


Kennamer, Mollie Woodall: b. 10/5/1801; d. c. 1830.

            Md. c. 1820, Zachariah Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 20, Lot 15. JRK. 273, Kelley 227.


Kennamer, Nacy Eliza Elkins: b. 3/5/1865; d. 9/24/1901.

            Md. Pleasant Jacob Kennamer.

            M. Row 35, Lot 4. JRK. 310.


Kennamer, Nacy Zack: b. c. 1861; d. aft. 1870.

            Son. Abrom B. and Amy Perkins Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 20, Lot 7. JRK. 76.


Kennamer, Nancy Agnes Busby: b. 1801; d. 1865.

            Md. 4/13/1818, Levi Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 15. WCK. 14.


Kennamer, Nancy Blanks: b. c. 1827; d. bfe. 1890.

            Md. 1845, John S. Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 9. JRK. 218, WCK. 47.


Kennamer, Nancy C. Elkins: b. 1/5/1858; d. 12/22/1938.

            Md. 6/17/1894, George Thomas Kennamer.

            M. Row 38, Lot 5. JRK. 138.


Kennamer, Nancy Catherine: b. 9/9/1868; d. 9/19/1889.

            Dau. John S. and Eliza Derrick Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 7, Lot 20. JRK. 111.


Kennamer, Nancy Eliza Mitchell: b. 11/20/1848; d. 10/10/1898.

            Md. 4/8/1869, Seaborn F. Kennamer.

            M. 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Nancy Wright: b. c. 1817; d. 10/12/1901.

            Md. c. 1830, Asap Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 4, Lot 18. JRK. 104, WCK. 30.


Kennamer, Nelson Lafayette: b. 12/29/1857; d. 9/6/1947.

            Md. 12/2/1880, Millard Drake Jones

            Md. 2nd 1/1/1893 Shirley Woodall

M. Row 26, Lot 16. JRK. 304.


Kennamer, Nona Lou: b. 7/13/1930; d. 7/13/1930.

            Dau. James David and Ora Butler Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 40, Lot 5. WCK. 171.


Kennamer, Nora Mae Butler: b. 6/29/1890; d. 3/9/1977.

            Md. 9/17/1911, Granville Denton Kennamer.

            M. Row 37, Lot 8. JRK. 332.


Kennamer, Oneal: b. 4/16/1942; d. 6/16/1942.

            Son. Frank B. and Bessie Vernon Kennamer.

            M. Row 1, Lot 19. WCK. 236.


Kennamer, Olen Oneal: b. 4/24/1963; d. 8/7/1989.

            Md. TammyVann.

            M. Row 6, Lot 10. Kelley 160.

Kennamer, Orner Adrum: b. 1/1/1885; d. 7/19/1976.

            Son. Jacob L. and Sallie Mitchell Kennamer.

            M. Row 38, Lot 8. JRK. 332, Kelley 99.


Kennamer, Oneal: b. 6/16/1942; d. 6/16/1942.

            Son. Frank B. and Bessie Irene Vernon Kennamer.

            M. Row I, Lot 19. WCK. 236.


Kennamer, Ora Ethel Butler: b. 11/7/1890; d. 11/28/1970.

            Md. 11/6/1910, James David Kennamer.

            M. Row 40, Lot 7. JRK. 143.


Kennamer, Ornal A.: b. 9/24/1907; d. 1/29/1908.

            Son. David G. and Delura A. Woodall Kennamer.

            M. Row 30, Lot 19. JRK. 147.


Kennamer, Ottis Binford: b. 3/1/1919; d. 4/19/1919.

            Son. Ulysses H. and Beulah Butler Kennamer.

            M. Row 41, Lot 2. 1961 Inventory, Kelley 161.


Kennamer, Patrick Henry: b. 8/2/1864; d. 9/14/1940.

            Md. 6/28/1914, Ethel L. Taylor.

            M. Row 3, Lot 9. JRK. 131, WCK. 119.


Kennamer, Permelia Benton: b. 1863; d. aft. 1870.

            Dau. Abrom B. and Amy Perkins Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 20, Lot 5. JRK. 76, WCK. 106.


Kennamer, Rachel T.: b. 11/24/1871; d. c. 1883.

            Dau. Stephen Douglass and Eliza Jane Evans Kennamer.

            LWP. Row31, Lot 5. JRK. p. 264, WCK. 131.


Kennamer, Rachel: b. 1740-50; d. c. 1836.

            Md. c. 1770, Hance Kennamer (Kennamur).

            M. Row 16, Lot 13. 1961 Inventory, WCK. 2.


Kennamer, Rebecca Boshart: b. 1/3/1792; d. 7/14/1821.

            Md. c. 1810, Stephen Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 18. JRK. 344, WCK. 10.


Kennamer, Rebecca: b. 2/17/1832; d. 9/8/1861.

            Dau. Jacob and Kezziah Busby Kennamer.

            M. Row 18, Lot 8. JRK. 289, Kelley 98.


Kennamer, Robert Stephen: b. 6/26/1840; d. 9/4/1904.

            Md. 3/8/1866, Eliza Catherine Parkhill.

            M. Row 3, Lot 13. JRK. 130, WCK. 71.


Kennamer, Robert Kenneth: b. 6/14/1906; d. 11/20/1924.

            Son. Joe Sap and Cora Ann Wright Kennamer.

            M. Row 4, Lot 12. JRK. 135.


Kennamer, Sallie: b. 11/8/1870; d. 4/27/1922.

            Dau. John S. and Eliza Rebecca Derrick Kennamer.

            LWP. Lot 6, Row 23. JRK. Ill.


Kennamer, Sallie West Mitchell: b. 4/5/1855; d. 12/17/1940.

            Md. 12/23/1880, Jacob L. Kennamer.

            M. Row 38, Lot 9. JRK. 331, WCK. 59.


Kennamer, Samuel: b. c. 1782; d. c. 1854.

            Md. bfe. 1815, Susannah Boshart.

            LWP. Row 7, Lot 10. WCK. 9.


Kennamer, Sarah Amanda Clack: b. 4/7/1836; d. 2/13/1874.

            Md. 7/9/1854, Levi "Bye" Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 22. JRK. 247.


Kennamer, Sarah E. Thomas: b. 8/26/1859; d. 8/1/1891.

            Md. 1/20/1876, William A. Kennamer.

            M. Row 7, Lot 3. JRK. 32, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Seaborn: b. 11/26/1860; d. 5/1861.

            Son. Stephen Douglass and Eliza Evans Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 31, Lot 4. JRK. 258.


Kennamer, Seaborn F.: b. 4/2/1830; d. 6/16/1915.

            Md. 4/8/1869, Nancy Elizabeth Mitchell.

            M. 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Seaborn Hugh: b. 3/29/1881; d. 9/16/1886.

            Son. Seaborn F. and Nancy Elizabeth Mitchell Kennamer.

            M. 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Shirley Woodall: b. 9/11/1870; d. 6/7/1923.

            Md. 1/1/1893, Nelson Lafayette Kennamer.

            M. Row 26, Lot 15. JRK. 304.


Kennamer, Allsie (Slave)

            Owner, Eliza Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 9, Lot 16. JRK. 287.


Kennamer, Amos (Slave)

            Owner, Jacob Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 9, Lot 17. JRK. 287.


Kennamer, Calvin (Slave)

            Owner, Jacob Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 9, Lot 18. JRK. 287.


Kennamer, Emily (Slave)

            Owner, Eliza Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 9, Lot 19. JRK. 75.


Kennamer, Marie (Slave)

            Owner, Sophia Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 9, Lot 20. JRK. 75.


Kennamer, Palina (Slave)

            Owner, Sophia Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 9, Lot 21. JRK. 75.


Kennamer, Unnamed (Slaves)

            Owner, Samuel Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 9, Lot 22-24. JRK. 54.


Kennamer, Sophia: b. 1820; d. aft. 1880.

            Dau. Samuel and Susannah Boshart Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 5. JRK. 175.


Kennamer, Stephen: b. 1784; d. 1865.

            Md. 1810, Rebecca Boshart. Md. 1823, Jane Busby.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 20. JRK. 103.


Kennamer, Stephen: b. 8/26/1838; d. 12/28/1839.

            Son. Robert Rudolph and Prudance Page Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 12. JRK. 148.


Kennamer, Stephen Dee: b. 10/29/1878; d. 6/6/1879.

            Son. John S. and Eliza R. Derrick Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 19. JRK. 112.


Kennamer, Stephen Douglass: b. 2/18/1835; d. 12/5/1915.

            Md. 1858, Eliza Jane Evans. Md. 1878, Nancy A. Busby.

            M. Row31, Lot 1. JRK. 258.


Kennamer, Stephen Levi: b. 3/23/1912; d 5/20/1913.

            Son. Frank Brownlow and Sarah Farmer Kennamer.

            M. Row 16, Lot 16. JRK. 252.


Kennamer, Susan: b. 1/30/1834; d. 9/6/1863.

            Dau. Jacob and Kezziah Busby Kennamer.

            M. Row 18, Lot 5. JRK. 289.


Kennamer, Susannah Boshart: b. c. 1787: b 1856 or 57.

            Md. c. 1808, Samuel Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 7, Lot 9. JRK. 53.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. & d. 2/18/1913.

            Child of James David and Ora Butler Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 40, Lot 2. WCK. 170.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. & d. 3/11/1915.

            Child of James David and Ora Butler Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 40, Lot 3. WCK 171.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. & d. 5/29/1937.

            Child of James David and Ora Butler Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 40, Lot 4. WCK. 171.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. & d. c. 1840.

            Child of Levi and Agnes Busby Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 19. JRK. 218, WCK. 14.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. & d. c. 1838.

            Son. Nathaniel and Martha Chandler Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 5, Lot 9. JRK. 55.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. & d. c. 1840.

            Son. Nathaniel and Martha Chandler Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 5, Lot 10. JRK. 55.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. & d. c. 1821.

            Child of Stephen and Rebecca Boshart Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 19. Kelley 127.


Kennamer, Yertal Lee: b. 12/19/1906; d. 8/18/1910.

            Dau. James Dee and Martha Elkins Kennamer.

            M. Row 3, Lot 17. JRK. 139.


Kennamer, Tinnie B.: b. 2/6/1903; d. 2/20/1935.

            Dau. James Dee and Martha Elkins Kennamer.

            M. Row 3, Lot 18. JRK. 139, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, Tommie Rose: b. & d. 1/17/1938.

            Dau. Nolan Odell and Fines Clay Kennamer.

            M. Row 42, Lot 2. Kelley 160.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. & d. c. 1832.

            Child of Asap and Nancy Wright Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 4, Lot 19. WCK. 30, JRK. 106.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. &; d. c. 1834.

            Child of Asap and Nancy Wright Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 4, Lot 20. WCK. 30,JRK. 106.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. &; d. c. 1836.

            Child of Asap and Nancy Wright Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 4, Lot 21. WCK. 30, JRK. 106.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. &; d. c. 1838.

            Child of Asap and Nancy Wright Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 4, Lot 22. WCK. 30, JRK. 106.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant: b. &; d. c. 1848.

            Child of David (Sr.) and Elizabeth Chandler Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 5, Lot 18. JRK. 130, WCK. 31.


Kennamer, Unnamed Infant Girl: b. &; d. c. 1853.

            Dau. David and Kitty Lewis Hodges Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 32, Lot 8. JRK. 297.


Kennamer, William: b. 1828; d. bfe. 1850.

            Son. Levi and Nancy Busby Kennamer.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 18. JRK. 218.


Kennamer, Wiley Frank: b. 12/18/1866; d. 2/26/1921.

            Md. 11/21/1888, Florence McDonald. Md. 10/1916, Kittie Houk.

            M. Row 3, Lot 10. JRK. 131, WCK. 119.


Kennamer, William A.: b. 10/17/1857; d. 4/19/1914.

            Md. 1/20/1876, Sarah Thomas. Md. 9/18/1892, Ada Rumsey.

            M. Row 7, Lot 2. JRK. 82, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, William Fascet: b. 6/18/1870; d. 5/3/1929.

            Son. George Tom and Kittie Page Kennamer.

            M. Row 29, Lot 22. JRK. 139, 1961 Inventory.


Kennamer, William Wayne: b. 3/23/1917; d. 4/6/1968.

            Md. 11/16/1940, Leavy Jimmie Fairbanks.

            M. Row 40, Lot 9. WCK. 282.


Kennamer, Zacheus (Zachariah): b. 1798; d 1/8/1841.

            Md. c. 1820, Mollie Woodall. Md. c. 1831, Sarah Busby.

            LWP. Row 20, Lot 14. JRK. 273, WCK. 14, Kelley 227.


Kennamer, Zachary Taylor: b. c. 1848;d. 1892.

            Md. 10/8/1871, Mary Stapler. Md. 1/28/1879, Mary Kizziah Bishop.

            LWP. Row 16, Lot 10. JRK. 221, WCK. 78.


Knight, Prudance Jones Jones: b. ?; d. bfe. c. 1840.

            Md. Thomas Speck Jones, 2nd Peter Knight.

            M. Row 10, Lot 10. William "Bill" Page and Lewis W. Page Sr.


Lawing, Mollie J.: b. 9/30/1894; d. 9/30/1899.

            Dau. Robert and Cory Woodall Lawing.

            M. Row 18, Lot 22. Woodall Family History.


Lawing, Cary (Cory) Woodall: b. ?; d. ?

            Md. Robert J. Lawing.

            LWP. Row 18 or 19. Exact Lot Unknown.


Lewis, Julia Rebecca Kennamer: b. 12/1/1880; d. 10/22/1900.

            Md. 8/24/1900, Arthur G. Lewis.

            M. Row 29, Lot 17. JRK. 140.


McGehee, Sam Perk: b. 10/20/1836; d. 4/22/1895.

            Md. Cynthia Wallace.

            M. Row 36, Lot 15. 1961 Inventory.


Melton, Ethel Irene: b. 6/3/1898; d. 6/4/1911.

            Dau. John Melton and Mary Emma Page Melton.

            M. Row 29, Lot 1. JRK. 239.


Melton, Mary Emma Della Page: b. 9/26/1855;d. 11/19/1907.

            Md. 10/16/1878, John Morgan Melton.

            M. Row 29, Lot 3. JRK. 238.


Melton, Thomas Clayton: b. 11/8/1879; d. 3/6/1896.

            Son. John M. Melton and Mary Emma Page Melton.

            M. Row 29, Lot 3. JRK. 238.


Mitchell, Mary H.: b. 8/22/1859; d. 10/24/1937.

            Parents Unknown, Sister of Sallie, Wife of Jacob L. Kennamer.

            Listed in 1961 Inventory, Stone Missing.


Morrison, Mary Helen Perkins: b. 1873; d. 1910.

            Md. Ike Morrison.

            M. Row 19, Lot 19. Perkins ,Family. JRK.


Morrison, Unnamed Infant: b. ?; d. ?

            Child of Ike Morrison and Mary Helen Perkins Morrison.

            M. Row 19, Lot 18. Perkins Family. JRK.


Morrison Unnamed Infant: b. ?; d. ?

            Child of Ike Morrison and Mary Helen Perkins Morrison.

            M. Row 19, Lot 17. Perkins Family. JRK.


Page, David Thomas: b. 12/1/1887; d. 4/29/1888.

            Son. William Stephen and Martha Jane Kennamer Page.

            LWP. Row 34, Lot 11. JRK. 300.


Page, Eddie: b. 12/25/1895; d. 10/25/1896.

            Son. Pinkney Hulan and Nannie Thomas Page.

            M. Row 34, Lot 2. JRK. 240.


Page, Eliza Cleopatra: b. 3/3/1867; d. 10/2/1867.

            Dau. James Thomas and Sarah Jane Kennamer Page.

            Field Stone. Initials E.P. 1961 Inventory, JRK. 224.


Page, Henry Benton: b. 2/3/1886; d. 7/16/1887.

            Son. William Stephen and Martha Jane Kennamer Page.

            LWP. Row 34, Lot 6. JRK. 300.


Page, James Thomas: b. 8/13/1823; d. 8/21/1887.

            Md. 12/8/1850, Rachel Kennamer.

            M. Row 34, Lot 8. JRK. 237.


Page, Lewis: b. 1784; d. 4/6/1868.

            Md. 1/4/1819, Rebecca Thomas Jones.

            M. Row 10, Lot 8. Kelley 29, 163 &; 244.


Page, Manila Francos: b. 11/11/1878; d. 1/12/1879.

            Dau. William Stephen and Martha Jane Kennamer Page.

            LWP. Row 34, Lot 12. JRK. 299.


Page, Martha Jane Kennamer: b. 12/1/1853; d. 7/14/1930.

            Md. 11/22/1874, William Stephen Page.

            M. Row 34, Lot 4. JRK. 238, WCK. 94.


Page, Martha Matilda: b. 9/10/1861; d. 8/10/1863.

            Dau. James T. and 2nd wife Sarah Jane Kennamer Page.

            LWP. Row 34, Lot 10. Kelley 244.


Page, Matilda Johnson: b. 2/10/1810; d. aft. 1870.

            Dau. Lewis Page and Nancy Hodges Page.

            LWP. Row 10, Lot 7. The Page Family. JRK.


Page, Minnie Etta: b. 3/2/1884; d. 12/21/1884.

            Dau. William Stephen and Martha Jane Kennamer Page.

            LWP. Row 34, Lot 9. JRK. 300.


Page, Nancy Jane Thomas: b. c. 1857; d. c. 1869.

            Dau. James T. and Sarah Jane Kennamer Page.

            LWP. Row 34, Lot 13. JRK. 239, Kelley 244.


Page, Rachel Kennamer: b. 4/23/1826; d. 3/16/1864.

            Dau. Levi Kennamer. Md. 12/8/1850, James Thomas Page.

            M. Row 34, Lot 7. JRK. 337, WCK. 47.


Page, Rebecca Thomas Jones: b. Amelia Co., VA; d 5/18/1838.

            Md. 1/4/1819, Lewis Page. Dau. Thomas and Prudance Jones.

            M. Row 10, Lot 11. Page Family, JRK.


Page, Sarah Virginia: b. aft. 1819; d. bfe. 1840.

            Dau. Lewis and Rebecca Thomas Jones Page.

            M. Row 10, Lot 9. Initials S.P. 1961 Inventory.


Page, Thomas Benton: b. 1859; d. 1876.

            Son. James T. and Rachel Kennamer Page.

            LWP. Row 34, Lot 14. JRK. 239.


Page, Wayne: b. 8/25/1892; d. 11/25/1892.

            Son. Pinkney Hulan and Nannie Thomas Page.

            LWP. Row 34, Lot 3. JRK. 240.


Page, William Stephen: b. 2/6/1854; d. 8/31/1901.

            Md. 11/22/1874, Martha Jane Kennamer.

            M. Row 34, Lot 5. JRK. 238, WCK. 94.


Perkins, Cora: b. 11/24/1888; d. 12/27/1888.

            Dau. Zacherias and Allie Woodall Perkins.

            M. Row 15, Lot 19. 1961 Inventory.


Perkins, ?: b. ?; d. ?

            No information except "Perk" on monument.

            M. Row 15, Lot 18.


Perkins, William: b. 1830; d. 5/1897.

            Md. 12/27/1848, Lucy Jane Justice.

            LWP. Row 15, Lot 20. 1961 Inventory. Perkins Family by Wells.


Sutton, Benjamin: b. 1814, VA; d. 1851-51.

            Md. Sarah P. Sulser.

            LWP. Row 22, Lot 10. Date. Marshall Co. 1850 Census.


Sutton, Sarah J.: b. c. 1849; d. 1851-52

            Dau. Benjamin and Sarah Sulser Sutton.

            LWP. Row 22, Lot 12. Source Greta Brooks.


Sutton, Sarah P. Sulser: b. 1816, VA; d. c. 1851-52.

            Md. c. 1826, Benjamin Sutton.

            LWP. Row 22, Lot 11.


Sulser, Nancy: b. c. 1831; d. c. 1851-52.

            Sister of Sarah P. Sulser Sutton.

            LWP. Row 22, Lot 13.


Schultz, Margaret Kennamer: b. 8/21/1890; d. 5/26/1932.

            Md. 7/27/1913, William Albert Schultz, the son of Riley Schultz.

            M. Row 6, Lot 26. JRK. 112, WCK. 194, Kelley 132.


Schultz, William Albert: b. 9/3/1890; d. 10/22/1953.

            Md. Deliah Margaret Kennamer, the daughter of John S. Kennamer.

            M. Row 6, Lot 25. 1961 Inventory.


Thomas, Martha Jane Hodges: b. 5/26/1854; d. 7/19/1916.

            Md. 1/19/1871, Montgomery Bennett Thomas.

            M. Row 8, Lot 3. JRK. 123, 1961 Inventory.


Thomas, Montgomery Bennett Thomas: b. 5/9/1853; d. 5/20/1921.

            Md. Martha Jane Hodges, the daughter of Robert Johnson Hodges.

            M. Row 8, Lot 2, Pleasant Hodges Family, JRK, 1961 Inventory.


Wilder, Elizabeth Pruitt: b. 10/10/1783; d. 1/31/1849.

            Md. Solomon Wilder.

            M. Row 17, Lot 12. William Bill Page, 1961 Inventory.


Wilder, Joab: b. 11/11/1816; d. 9/3/1851.

            Md. 4/1840, Nancy Perkins, the daughter of Jebez Perkins.

            M. Row 17, Lot 14. William "Bill" Page. 1961 Inventory.


Wilder, Nancy Susan: b. 8/27/1849; d. 10/7/1863.

            Dau. Joab Wilder and Nancy Perkins Wilder.

            M. Row 17, Lot 16. 1961 Inventory.


Wilder, Unnamed Infant: b. ? d. ?

            Possible member of Joab Wilder Family.

            LWP. Row 17, Lot 13.


Wilson, Amy Kennamer: b. 4/18/1829; d. 3/8/1878.

            Md. Silas P. Wilson.

            LWP. Row 6, Lot 22. JRK. 106, WCK. 41.


Woodall, Allie Wilder: b. 2/13/1841; d. 1/21/1874.

            Dau. Joab and Nancy Wilder. Md. Silas P. Woodall.

            M. Row 17, Lot 17. William "Bill" Page.


Woodall, Albert: b. 10/13/1840; d. 2/1923.

            Md. 1867, Martha Rebecca Kennamer.

            M. Row 8, Lot 24. JRK. 135, 1961 Inventory.


Woodall, Cory Johnston: b. 1789; d. 8/6/1868.

            Md. bfe. 1840, Willis Woodall in Virginia.

            LWP. Row 21, Lot 14. Woodall Family, JRK.


Woodall, Elizabeth: b. 10/28/1783; d. 7/31/1849.

            May have been the sister of Willis Woodall.

            M. Row 17, Lot 12.


Woodall, Emma Florence: b. 11/25/1876; d. 6/26/1947.

            Dau. Albert and Martha Rebecca Kennamer Woodall.

            M. Row 8, Lot 21. JRK. 138.


Woodall, James "Jim" Edward: b. 6/2/1872; d. 11/12/1959.

            Md. 11/19/1912, Willie Ann Keel.

            M. Row 21, Lot 6. 1961 Inventory.


Woodall, Joseph "Joe": b. 3/15/1876; d. 10/4/1951.

            Son. Pleasant S. and Modilla Jane Pruitt Woodall.

            M. Row 21, Lot 7. 1961 Inventory.


Woodall, Julia T.: b. 10/5/1869; d 10/20/1872.

            Dau. Pleasant S. and Jane Pruitt Woodall.

            M. Row 21, Lot 11. 1961 Inventory.


Woodall, Kate: b. 10/11/1880; d. 3/5/1894.

            Dau. Albert and Martha Rebecca K. Woodall.

            M. Row 8, Lot 22. JRK. 138.


Woodall, Martha Rebecca Kennamer: b. 1/27/1843; d 2/8/1897.

            Md. 1867, Albert Woodall.

            M. Row 8, Lot 23. IRK. 135, WCK. 72.


Woodall, Modilla Jane Pruitt: b. 5/19/1840; d. 7/4/1909.

            Md. Pleasand S. Woodall.

            M. Row21, Lot 10. Kelley 178,1961 Inventory.


Woodall, Willie Ann Keel: b. 5/15/1893; d. 8/7/1973.

            Md. 11/19/1912, James Edward Woodall.

            M. Row 21, Lot 5. Kelley p. 178, 1961 Inventory.


Wright, Ida Dellar: b. 11/12/1880; d. 4/8/1895.

            Dau. John Wright and Charlotte Hill Wright.

            LWP. Row 7 or Row 8, near Susan Kennamer Hill.


Wright, Unnamed Infant: b. 10/23/1873; d. 10/23/1873.

            Dau. John Wright and Charlotte Hill Wright.

            LWP. Row 7 or Row 8. Exact location unknown.


Wright, Linnie Cheatie: b. 4/12/1886; d. 7/6/1887.

            Dau. John Wright and Charlotte Hill Wright.

            LWP. Row 7 or 8. Exact location unknown.


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